How Online Enrichment Classes Are Different From Remote

How Online Enrichment Classes Are Different From Remote How Online Enrichment Classes Are Different From Remote How Online Enrichment Classes Are Different From Remote How Online Enrichment Classes Are Different From Remote
How Online Enrichment Classes Are Different From Remote

Every year many engineering graduates, all fresh to the job market, struggle to find entry gate to their first job. They jump through months and months, and several turned down to other job offers. Their career resumes remain blank for months.

The corporates have crunches of resources. However, they do not want to hire juniors as they think that their knowledge is not fit as per industry requirements and they need to make initial investment to ramp up juniors according to their company culture, products / services, technology stack and many more..

Alignment of skills as per Industry requirements is the biggest concern. The graduates try to bridge this skill gaps through online platforms and struggle to find the answers of many questions which hovers around their mind.

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