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Got Questions?

We have covered most of your questions about the program.

You can enroll with us by clicking on the Enroll Now button on our website. After you fill out the form, our team will contact you for further details.

The program is open to graduates in Computer Science or an equivalent degree.

The fee for the entire training program inclusive of registration fees & tuition fees along with all the other opportunities.

It would be Skill Smith team responsibility to place you as per your skill set and experience gained during training.

You will not be charged tuition fees if you do not get placed within 6 months of completing your training program.

Talents are required to pay the tuition fees from their salary in equal monthly payments through Skill Smith’s Financial partners.

Our assigned financial partner will approve a one-time capital, which you can pay monthly for a maximum 12 months.

There are no exit options available in the middle of the training program. There will not be any refund if you take exit during the training program.
We know you will have more questions as choosing the right career path can be a complicated and tiring process. Don’t worry we’re here to help you. Send us any questions via email, and we’ll respond as soon as possible. You can write to us your queries at hello@skill-smith.com 

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